Author: admin

Holy War!

We are fighting to free the lost in the most abominable disgusting godless time in the earth’s history since the flood. A time when they are saying you can now kill babies right up until the time they come out of the womb. 60 million legal abortions in America alone have been performed. A time…

Days of Ease with Benjamin Baruch

Days of Ease with Benjamin Baruch Amos 6:1 1 Woe to them that are at ease in Zion, and trust in the mountain of Samaria, which are named chief of the nations, to whom the house of Israel came!

Prophecy EXPLOSION Zechariah 12 Being Fulfilled with Carl Gallups

Prophecy EXPLOSION Zechariah 12 Being Fulfilled with Carl Gallups Join us tonight as pastor Carl talks about Zechariah 12 being fulfilled and how his new book “The Rabbi, the Secret Message, and the Identity of Messiah” is telling the story like never before of this ignored story by most pastors in America as to how…

In Moloch They Trust Dumitru Duduman’s 1984 Prophecy

In Moloch They Trust Dumitru Duduman’s 1984 Prophecy Is Moloch the god of government in the US? What about in some churches? What does Dumitru Duduman’s prophecy have to do with New York’s new abortion law. Judgement is at the door!!!

Tipping Point with Benjamin Baruch

Tipping Point with Benjamin Baruch The world is at a tipping point by virtually every measure. We are now witnessing a global ecosystem collapse as the oceans, the birds, and the fish die. The so-called economic recovery which began in 2009 was a cruel joke, papered over by trillion-dollar deficits which created our now overextended…

Tipping Point with Benjamin Baruch

Artificial Intelligence and Strong Delusion with Dr. Michael Lake Folks I have been warning of what’s coming with AI and I have on a special guest and expert on the subject Dr. Michael Lake to discuss what is coming and how believers MUST prepare their minds against the Strong Delusion of the last days.

The True Mount Sinai with Joel Richardson

The True Mount Sinai with Joel Richardson Tonight, I am excited to have Joel Richardson on the show to talk about the new research into Mt Sinai. I believe God is giving every opportunity for even the skeptics to see that the Words of the Bible are True. Don’t miss this faith building episode!

The Coming Tribulation The Voice of God! (Dead Men Hear God’s Voice)

The Coming Tribulation The Voice of God! (Dead Men Hear God’s Voice) The Great tribulation is coming, but can you hear God’s voice? Folks you cannot trust men to get through what is coming you must hear from God. This is a must listen episode. God speaks, but can you hear what He is saying?

The Great American Famine

The Great American Famine Folks there is a famine in the land that is not only decimating Churches but it is destroying homes and believers alike. The deception is now so thick many are struggling just to find an ounce of truth out there anymore. Join us tonight as we look at this famine and…

Wake Up Church!

9PM Est: Wake Up Church! I am not kidding this message is serious. We are in dangerous times and the Church must WAKE UP! Listen in this message is for RIGHT NOW!!!