Author: admin

The Lord Will Speak to His People

The Lord Will Speak to His People Don’t miss tonight we have a special announcement of a upcoming show. with Brother Benjamin Baruch

Line in the Sand with Jamie Walden

Line in the Sand with Jamie Walden Brothers and Sisters you don’t want to miss this episode. We are happy to have back brother Jamie Walden as we share some very important end times matters tonight in this special episode.

False Teachers

False Teachers The Bereans were more noble because they tested the things that Paul said against the WORD! We are living in the midst of False teachers that try to shrink God down to fit in their wold. Folks Yeshua warned not to be deceived in these last hours!

Fire in the Sky

Fire in the Sky Jesus saw Satan cast down like lighting! The Devil had no authority in God’s house, but he is trying to tell God’s children what we can and can’t do today. Wake up the Red Dragon is ruling at the highest levels and yet the Lord says he has no authority!

The Eagle Redeemed with Benjamin Baruch

The Eagle Redeemed with Benjamin Baruch Folks we are back with another deep dive into Ezekiel 17. You DO NOT WANT TO MISS THIS!

Complete Compliance

Complete Compliance Folks they are coming after Remnant Call. We are looking at another platform. Please listen in and don’t miss this episode.

Vaccination Nation The Mandate

Vaccination Nation The Mandate This is getting so intense people re being faced with a decision. Is it possible the Bible talked about this very event?

The Eagle Has Fallen

The Eagle Has Fallen with Benjamin Baruch Join us live with Benjamin Baruch as we look at what Benjamin said in January 2020 has come to pass. Folks look out the Eagle has truly fallen!

Tearing Down the High Places with Dr. Michael Lake

Tearing Down the High Places with Dr. Michael Lake Folks this is an end time message about the Paganism and occult influence going on today and how we must and can get free from this stuff. Join us as Dr. Lake shares on this topic, it’s origins, and the dangers we face.

Mountains Laid Low with Benjamin Baruch

Mountains Laid Low with Benjamin Baruch Join us as Brother Benjamin shares some insight into this hour, and God’s calling to us for this hour!