Category: Uncategorized

The Coming Civil War Dumitru Duduman Prophecy

The Coming Civil War Dumitru Duduman Prophecy There is a civil war coming. The word of God prophecies it and the Lord’s Prophet’s have been shouting it from the Rooftops. Join us tonight as our special guest Benjamin Baruch joins us on the Remnant Call to look at this powerful Prophecy from brother Dumitru Duduman…

Wake up America Dumitru Duduman Prophecy

Wake up America Dumitru Duduman Prophecy As we relook at this powerful prophecy delivered by brother Dumitru Duduman and see that it is literally contained in the Word of God and it is for this hour. Please listen and search it out for yourselves. The Day of the Lord is at Hand!!!

Deeper Communion Pt 5 Understanding and Cooperating with Prophecy

Deeper Communion Pt 5 Understanding and Cooperating with Prophecy One of the best programs of the series. Brother David really hits on what it means to come into cooperation with God in what He is speaking into your life. This episode touched my heart

America the Farewell Tour with Benjamin Baruch

America the Farewell Tour with Benjamin Baruch Join us as Benjamin Jumps back into the book of Jeremiah showing this end time fulfillment coming to pass and Hos Chris Hedges new book will shock you on it’s accuracy on the state of America. Also a special interview with the Johnson Family and their call to…

Tribulation Faith “The End is Near”

Tribulation Faith Tribulation Faith “The End is Near” Folks the end is near and many know it. The problem is that many people have no idea what to do or what is truly coming. The Day of the Lord is a unlike anything we have ever seen and yet God is calling us to peace…

Deeper Communion Pt4 Yielding Our Soul with David Murry

Deeper Communion Pt4 Yielding Our Soul with David Murry What good is your walk with God if you are the one driving? Yielding your soul to the Father will transform your walk and empower you to not only commune with God on a deeper level, but strengthen you to fulfill His desire. Join us with…

THE VISIT Part II with Benjamin Baruch

THE VISIT Part II with Benjamin Baruch This is part two in Seventy Years of Captivity, The coming 144000, Mystery Babylon and More. These are the Last days and we must be ready. The Lord is about to visit his people. Join in as brother Benjamin brings a right now message. This is a must…

Deeper Communion Pt 3 Understanding His Judgments with David Murry

Deeper Communion Pt 3 Understanding His Judgments with David Murry Understanding God’s judgments is a part of the journey into walking and communing on a deeper level with our heavenly Father. The clarity of understanding and the peace in knowing our God’s will takes the believer into a place of trust and peace. Join us…

Secrets in the Garden of Eden with Carl Gallups

Secrets in the Garden of Eden with Carl Gallups Conspiracy, cover-up, deception, or whatever you want to call it. The truth is that the truth has been pushed aside and replaced with a watered down children’s story of what really happened in the Garden of Eden. Why does it matter so much? Why do we…

Godly Sorrow “End Times Prepper”

Godly Sorrow “End Times Prepper” Are you ready for the second coming? How about a time when men’s hearts will fail them from fear? Are you ready to lose everything? The answer is most likely no for all of us, but it doesn’t have to be. We have all been lied to for so long…