Category: Uncategorized

Peace in the Storm with David Murry

<img class=”aligncenter size-full wp-image-420″ src=”” alt=”” width=”1280″ height=”800″ /> Peace in the Storm with David Murry As we are heading into the Earth’s darkest hours God is calling the remnant to peace and not fear. PLEASE PLEASE do not miss this episode. We need to have confidence knowing that the good work God has started…

The Alarm of War with Benjamin Baruch

The Alarm of War with Benjamin Baruch Jeremiah saw the times we are living in. He had a special message for the remnant in this hour. Join us as Brother Benjamin Baruch looks at current news in light of the words from Jeremiah. It’s time to put away childish things folks!!!

The Devil Doesn’t Want You to Know the Truth with Joe Kovacs

The Devil Doesn’t Want You to Know the Truth with Joe Kovacs Urgent message!!! God is calling us to not only go deeper in our prayer life, but to go deeper in the word. What if you have been lied to from the pulpit your whole life. To many Pastors only preach to fill the…

Fighting Through the Darkness also a warning from Marty Breeden!

We will also discuss a dream Pastor Marty Breeden just had!!! The enemy is waging war on the believer at this hour in unprecedented spiritual attacks. Believers are struggling to break through living in a constant realm of defeat. It’s time to learn about the one who promised to fight for us. God is waging…

Nachash and The Fallen Angels with Carl Gallups

Nachash and The Fallen Angels with Carl Gallups Who or What is the Nachash? What really happened in the Garden of Eden? Are we living in the Days of Noah? Is the book of Enoch important to understanding the book of Genesis and the End Times? Deception is coming and we need to understand the…

The Day of Atonement with Benjamin Baruch

The Day of Atonement with Benjamin Baruch Why is the Day of Atonement so important? Should Christians care about it? Join us a brother Benjamin digs into The Day of Atonement and shares some exciting insights into the Psalms about the closeness of the second coming and the dangers we face in this hour.

Take Heed Everyone with Benjamin Baruch

Take Heed Everyone! with Benjamin Baruch The Prophet Jeremiah warns us of deception even from those who we call brother. With so much deception in the news, Facebook, family and Churches. How do we know what is right and what is wrong. Tonight Brother Benjamin brings an important word for THIS HOUR!!!

End Times Revival with Pastor Carl Gallups and MEssianic Rabbi Zev Porat

Everyone is looking at the signs in the world and in the Heavens, but there is another sign that is even more profound. Find out How Messianic Zev Porat is winning Jews to the Lord by the Spirit of the Lord using Pastor Carl Gallups book The Rabbi who found Messiah. Revival is happening in…

Unholy Days Part II “Rise of the False Prophets”

Unholy Days Part II “Rise of the False Prophets” In a day and age when everyone is supposedly hearing from God do you know what voice is truly His? There are so many false prophets out there how do we distinguish the true ones? Did the Bible give us a test to know a true…

The Time is Full with Benjamin Baruch

“The Time is Full” with Benjamin Baruch This is the time we have all known would come. A day when decisions will have to be made. Whom will you serve? If you are living in compromise STOP IT!!! Got needs a remnant in these last days. Are you ready? We have moved into a different…