Category: Uncategorized

Take Heed They’re Here!

Take Heed They’re Here! The deceivers are here! More are coming and we better wake up. The only truth left is in the Word of God! WAKE UP before it’s to late!

Warning To The Church David Wilkerson

Warning To The Church David Wilkerson oin in as I share an important message for this hour and powerful words from brother David Wilkerson you don’t want to miss!!!

Walking in Resurrection Power with David Murry

Walking in Resurrection Power with David Murry Join us as Brother David Murry delivers a powerful end times message on walking in the Power of the Resurrection!!!

Strange Fire

Strange Fire Their is strange Fire in the Church and the world. This is a warning to all who listen! Don’t be like Nadab and Abihu!

The End Shall Come As A Flood with Benjamin Baruch

The End Shall Come As A Flood with Benjamin Baruch Taken right out of the Bible Benjamin talks about the prophecies of the end times and a current warning of what is happening right now!!!

Time to Humble Ourselves Dumitru Duduman

Time to Humble Ourselves Dumitru Duduman Tonight I am going to share a rarely ever talked about dream of Dumitru Duduman’s. This is a must for all of us as we are seeking our Heavenly Father’s will.

Discerning the Times with Jamie Walden

Discerning the Times with Jamie Walden Join us as Brother Jamie Walden talks about Knowing what to do in this hour. Must listen program!

Valley of Hinnom with Benjamin Baruch

Valley of Hinnom with Benjamin Baruch This is a don’t miss episode. PLEASE PLEASE listen to the end. Warning some things may not be appropriate for Children.

Seven Year Ministry of Jesus with Benjamin Baruch

Seven Year Ministry of Jesus with Benjamin Baruch Tune in tonight as Benjamin Shares how the Lord shared with him years ago about His Seven year ministry. Ill give you a clue it’s only half over.

War on the Saints “STAND”

War on the Saints “STAND” The war is on. They are coming for those who will not comply. Will you stand? Can you stand? God has a plan and this war is now!