Category: Uncategorized

The Fall God or Caesar

The Fall God or Caesar Things are escalating at an incredible pace. We are faced with an absolute crisis in the American Church. We have lost the Fear of God and are rendering the things of God unto Caesar. Wake up while we have time.

Ancient Path of the End Times

<img class=”aligncenter size-full wp-image-1311″ src=”” alt=”” width=”1920″ height=”1080″ /> Ancient Path of the End Times Join me as we look at this Ancient Path God has ordained to navigate us through the time of trouble that is coming. <iframe src=”//;episodeId=11967545″ width=”100%” height=”180px” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen”></iframe>

A Rebellious House with Benjamin Baruch

A Rebellious House with Benjamin Baruch Join us as Brother Benjamin Gets into Ezekiel, current events, and the rebellious house.

Holy War the Enemies Attack with Jamie Walden

Holy War the Enemies Attack with Jamie Walden Jamie Walden Joins us about the dangers of the Enemies of America pose and the timeline of attack. This all ties in with the Holy War God is waging at the End of Time!

The Bear Awakens Dumitru Duduman

The Bear Awakens Dumitru Duduman Their is some details in the this prophecy that most people have never seen or forgotten. This is a must listen!

Holy War “The Dark Night”

Holy War “The Dark Night” You need to hear this episode! The Dark Night is so serious. This is Holy War!

Ransomed of God

Ransomed of God Yes we are in the last days and things are getting worse every day, but this program is raw from the heart after all You Know What broke loose this week!

Days of Preparation with Benjamin Baruch

Days of Preparation with Benjamin Baruch Join us as Brother Benjamin dives into the madness of this word and the coming battle of Ezekiel 38 as we enter into the Days of preparation leading to Pentecost.

Tribulation Worship

Tribulation Worship Listen I may say some things some won’t like but that is ok. There is a war going on and worship is at the heart of it.

The Storm is Here with Benjamin Baruch

The Storm is Here with Benjamin Baruch Join us as Brother Benjamin talks about the state of the World and how we can redeem the time we have left!