Category: Uncategorized

“FALLEN” Welcome to the USA

“FALLEN” Welcome to the USA Welcome to the Madness of a Fallen Society. We have moved into utter chaos in this nation and the leaders are sold out to wickedness while the poor and destitute suffer without the hope of Jesus, because the Church is paralyzed with fear to share the good news. You are…

Judgement in The Lords House and This Nation

Judgement in The Lords House and This Nation When God gives our borders over to our enemies and the church is falling apart we are in the LAST DAYS. The Lord is about to and already is overthrowing the money changers in the Churches and our lives. We are in a dangerous time! Seek God…

Persecution an the Passover ITS HERE!!!

<img class=”size-full wp-image-1245″ src=”” alt=”” width=”1280″ height=”720″ /> Long time Persecution an the Passover ITS HERE!!! Folks wake up persecution is starting. Everything is falling apart. This is a must listen message! <iframe src=”//;episodeId=11918944″ width=”100%” height=”180px” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen”></iframe>

The Prodigal Returns Breaking the Generational Curses

The Prodigal Returns Breaking the Generational Curses Folks you don’t want to miss this show of my father and I talking about the how God miraculously saved our family and broke the Generational curses

The Testimony of Benjamin Baruch

The Testimony of Benjamin Baruch We are going back to a powerful show from 2018 that is not only relevant, but will draw you back to the power of our Heavenly Father. This is part one of a two-part program. The link to part 2 is below and at the end of the show.

City of Truth with Benjamin Baruch

City of Truth with Benjamin Baruch Join us tonight with Brother Benjamin on the current state of the world and some insight into the City of Truth!

A Call to the Remnant

A Call to the Remnant Listen We are truly in the last days, but this message is as important as any warning message that could be given. You don’t get this right it really doesn’t matter.

Prophecies and Mysteries Part 2

Prophecies and Mysteries Part 2 This is Part 2 of the most amazing Prophecies and Mysteries contained in the book of Ruth. Please listen to part 1 first.

The Return with Benjamin Baruch

The Return with Benjamin Baruch Please join us as we welcome back brother Benjamin to talk about the state of the world, and to announce his new YouTube Channel. Click below to SUBSCRIBE to Benjamin’s new YouTube Channel:​

Mysteries and Prophecies Part 1

Mysteries and Prophecies Part 1 As we are approaching the end of all things we have to remember that in the Word of God is the deep mysteries of what is going to take place. Join us as we take a look at this two part series on the deep Mysteries and future prophecy contained…